
Monday, March 18, 2013

While we were in the office today I called New Zealand to tell the Halversons about the flash drive and the documents I had sent to them. Surprise, they are in Samoa and Steve Stebbings the director in New Zealand is in Figi. There is no one there to attach them to the project. If it goes on to the Area Authorities without the pictures and bids, it won’t get approved. I considered having a nervous breakdown but decided to turn it over to the Lord. He knows where it is and that we have done all we can do. We are leaving it in His hands and praying -- A LOT!!
We were able to give out 10 more wheelchairs today so it was still a good day.
In the afternoon Alan went with the missionaries to deliver a bed and some supplies. I stayed home and did laundry and cooked. We are truly into the rainy season. It rains, at least for awhile, everyday. It is so humid that everything we have is starting to mildew. We took Alan’s suit out of the closet and there was mildew all over it. We washed it off and took it out to hang on the line. But there was no sunshine. When we brought it back in it was damp. We hung it in front of the fan and hope that will help. I don’t know how to stop mildew if you can’t get things dry. The moisture is really good for our skin but I am so tired of never being dry. Our towels don’t dry out and our sheets are always damp. Even our clothes feel damp when we put them on. It’s weird!!
I made pizza tonight. It is the first one we have had here. I found some “round ham” at the store and took a chance and bought it. I don’t know if they precook things so I fried it for a few minutes and then cut it up and put it on the pizza along with onions, peppers and pineapple. It was good!! I make my own crust with the recipe I got in Ukraine. Tara Smith gave me a Pampered Chef Pizza Stone before she left. I love it!! I would bring it home with me but it is soooo heavy. I had a little more dough than I needed so we ended up with a deep dish pizza, but it really tasted good to us. It was something different.