
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Funerals in Tonga are heaped in tradition. The family greets guests every night for a week at their home. The body is not there, just the remaining family members. The lady sitting under the covering is the niece of the man who died. Because she is the oldest living daughter of the brother's older sister, she is the most important person at this funeral, not to children or the wife of the man who died. It is the "Auntie" who presides at these occasions. The men sitting in front are saying a prayer. Alan said the prayer when our ward went. He stood in front of her and faced the majority of the people, turning his back to the Auntie. That is never done in Tonga! No one told Alan about this custom when they asked him to say the prayer. But he is a "Palangi" so no one said a word about it. Alan felt bad when they told him.