
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Friday, Feb. 21

We have officially entered the rainy season. It has rained everyday this week and rained most of the night last night. We are running out of clothes and needed to wash this morning, so even though it was pouring down rain, I ran a load of wash before we went to work. We never know if our clothes will dry or not, but we can always take them in the house and turn the air conditioner and the fan on.

We wanted to get some more wheelchairs put together today, but it was raining so hard that we had to put that off until next week.

Elder Reynolds wrote and told us that the Vava’u hospital question is on hold until next week. They are just too busy with the visit of Elder Nelsen and Elder Andersen to work on it right now. That works for me. I spent the day working on new receipts that needed to be put of the Cyclone Ian spreadsheet and doing our own financial report. Unless Alan uses that charge card again, the finances are done for February. YEA, just 3 more to go!!

Elder Dassler told me this week that he and his wife may be going up to Vava’u to live for part of their mission. They are the auditors here. President Tupou has asked them to put the mission history together and he wants information on everything that we have done while we have been here. I thought I had the rest of our mission to get that put together and now the deadline is March 1st! WHAT??? That is what I planned to do when things slowed down, now I have to cram it in somehow.

Alan is still screaming about his computer. They thought they had it fixed, but it’s not. I watched what he was doing today and I think I know what the problem in. He has both the hand held mouse and the finger mouse active at the same time. I tried to disable the finger mouse but I couldn’t find a way to do it. As soon as we get that taken care of, hopefully his blood pressure will go down. He is now writing all of his emails on our Ipad.

We are starting to receive the bids on refilling the emergency container. It looks like it is going to cost us over $100,000.00. We will need to get the approval from the Area Presidency before we can start purchasing things, but it will be good to start filling it again. It makes me so nervous to have it sitting there empty!

We ended the day with movie night. It was the Maile’s night to choose the movie and sister Maile wanted to watch a Fred Astaire movie. We watched “Top Hat”. It was a Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movie with lots of great dancing. Alan doesn’t love those musicals but this one had a good story line so everyone enjoyed it.