
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Dec. 6th, 2012
When we got up this morning, Alan wasn’t feeling well. He slept well last night but his stomach was not doing well this morning. We got ready to go and he even went as far as the car before he decided that he just wasn’t going to make it. He needed to be close to a bathroom so he went back to our room and I went to the MTC to have breakfast and check in with the couple that is over the senior missionaries. She told me that I should go back to the motel and stay with Alan. I felt good about that. I hated leaving him alone and I really didn’t want to teach one of the volunteers all alone. The people are so wonderful at the MTC. One of the couples that we have gotten close to here offered to come back to the motel so that he could give Alan a blessing. Missionaries are just very special people!
When I got back to the motel Alan was asleep. He does alright as long as he is laying down. While he was resting I had some time to catch up on this journal and work on my Tongan. I’m glad that we have already done this MTC experience once because I wouldn’t want to miss any of it, but I know we will be alright because we have some experience. I just hope and pray that we are both feeling GREAT next week because we will need every minute of that training!