
Monday, August 12, 2013

Friday, July 26th

I was hoping to get a lot more done today than I actually did. Ana stayed in town to work with Jeana Niu who is part of our Welfare Team. She is over employment and she is having a big workshop tomorrow that she needed Ana’s help with. We needed to meet with Howard Niu (Jeana’s husband) about the hospital project before we can start writing it up, but Ana wants to be in on that meeting so we will have to wait until Monday. I wrote a short report of our trip and sent it off to New Zealand and then just took care of the emails that needed answering. I am a little frustrated because this means that next week will be more hectic, but it couldn’t be helped so we will just deal with it.

While we were gone our cute secretary coppied all of the hygiene lessons off and put the packets together for our training. We will be calling Sister “Y” on Monday and planning a date to get started on that. I will be excited to finally have that training under way.

Ana was hoping to be in the office this afternoon but she never made it. We worked until 4:30 and then called it quits. After dinner we went for a nice walk. I am loving the weather in Tonga now. I sure hope it continures for a good long time!! We met a man on a bike while we were walking tonight. He was scary! He said that he had come through a hole in the fence out in the bush. Then he said that someone attacked him on the sports field and tried to beat him up. He wanted our help. We sent him to the security people at the front gate. He really didn’t want to go there but we weren’t about to get involved with him. We never see people like that on campus. There is security at every entrance and it is very well patrolled. When we walked by the security we asked them if they had talked to him. They said “no”, he had come by but just rode out the gate. They know him and all about him. They told us they would check out his story and find the place where he got on campus. He should not be here. I was sure glad that Alan was with me tonight. I don’t think I will walk alone any more.

We watched a couple more episodes of History Of The Saints tonight. We have really enjoyed those CDs. I will be sad when we have seen them all but they are borrowed and we need to get them back. It has been a nice way to pass the time in the evenings.