
Monday, August 5, 2013

Thursday, July, 11th

Things have finally slowed down a little. We didn’t have good internet today but we actually had time to sit down and work on a few of the projects that are coming up. Howard Niu stopped in to visit our office today. He is the Service Center Manager, and the big boss in Tonga. We went over our pending projects with him. He will be going up to Vava’u with us in a couple of weeks to look at the hospital.

We had a good discussion with Howard about the internet. He thinks that the fiber optics will be to Liahona by the end of the month. Then they will have to hook it up and test it, so no telling how long before we actually get to use it. At least we know that it’s coming --- there’s hope!!

We received an email from Amberly today!!! Yeah for the grandkids!! WE LOVE hearing from them and learning what is happening in their lives. Amberly’s letter made our day!! She is doing so many fun things this summer. We really miss being there to watch her do back flips across the back yard but can’t wait to see all the new things she has learned by the time we get home.

We tried to Face Time Kimi and Dave today but we just got quick glances the internet was so bad. That is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo frustrating!!!

We had a going away dinner for the Szokas at the Luna Rosa tonight. We had 17 people go. All of the senior missionaries and the service couples as well. It is a fun place to eat but it doesn’t open until 7:00 and it is always 8:00 or later by the time you get your food. That is just to late to eat dinner. We didn’t get home until almost 10:00. Still, we had a great time and the food was really good. Alan had pork chops in a mushroom sauce and I had cheese and spinach pasta.