
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

We tried to get caught up in the office today. We have been gathering, washing and sorting white shirts to send over to Papua New Guinea. We have collected almost 300 and now we need to get them packed up and shipped out.
This afternoon I came home to put some wash in and get ready for our first Relief Society mid-week activity. I guess they didn’t have them at all last year and we want to change that. It was amazing! It was so much fun. We planned it to be all about good health. I asked the mission nurse to talk about how to stay healthy. She did a great job but they threw her a little curve. She is kind of shy and she says that she doesn’t have that great of a sense of humor, but they thought she was hilarious. They laughed at everything she said and the look on her face just made it funnier. Even though she didn’t mean a lot of it to be funny, it went over really well and they got a lot out of it.
Then we wanted to do some exercises, so we had the YSA women lead us in some dances. That was hysterical! These Tongans really get into their dancing and they laugh the whole time. I really don’t remember when I’ve laughed like that, all night long. These sisters really know how to have a good time. We had children looking in the windows and standing in the doorways. Everyone wanted to come to our party. At the end we served Otai, a watermelon, coconut and pineapple drink. It is yummy. We also had some pieces of watermelon and some chocolate cake. We were celebrating the birthdays of the sisters who have birthdays in February. (we can start being healthy tomorrow.) We started at 7:00, were done by 8:15 and had everything cleaned up by 8:30. We had 24 sisters there and 1 non member came. It was a great success. I sure wish that the sisters at home would let their hair down and have that much fun together.