
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


  We went into the office in town this morning. On the way in, Ana called and said that she had invited the press to attend our meeting today and she wanted me to hurry and write up an article to give them about the projects we are doing. That was STRESSFUL!! I like to have some time to think about something that important and really work on it. I did it, but I have no idea what I said. Sure hope it was good!

At 10:00 the Bishop and Town Officer from Ha’utu and the head nurse from the Central Pharmacy came to the office for a meeting with us. 2 reporters from the paper were also there. The whole Welfare committee came to support us as we informed these guests that their various projects have been approved. It was a great morning!! Ana conducted the meeting, Alan told of the project approvals and then I told them a little about the approval process and how we were able to get their projects approved.

When the meeting was over, Jeana Niu brought in a birthday cake with the candles burning. It was a surprise for Alan’s birthday. He was shocked, he had no idea. We pulled it off without him having any clue what plans had been made. We even planned this presentation on his birthday. What a fantastic birthday present, 2 projects approved!! That just never happens. It will be a birthday he will always remember. Everyone joined us in singing happy birthday to him and then we shared his cake. It was a banana cake and it was really good! It was a very special morning.