
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Wednesday and Thursday Alan wasn’t feeling well at all. I went in to town to work on Wednesday and left him home to rest. He slept almost all day. Thrusday I stayed close to home and went to our office on campus. He came over for a couple of hours but that was all he could handle. He has been taking the cold medicine that Tiffany sent and that has really helped him, especially at night. He went out and slept on the couch because he was coughing and didn’t want to keep me up. He slept much better there and so did I without him tossing and turning. We have been married almost 40 years and that is the first time he has ever slept on the couch. It felt very strange!

My allergies are calming down a little thanks to the Tylanol Sinus that Mike was able to get for me at the PX in Maryland. He saved me!! Nothing else works. Hopefully I have enough to last me for the next few months.

We were able to call JOSH on his BIRTHDAY. How did he get to be 7 so fast??? What a cutie! His mother made him a Utah State birthday cake. It was amazing and he loved it. So did his dad and his Uncle Greg!