
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sunday, January 26th

I slept alright last night but as soon as I got out of bed the Tongan Crud hit me. I had a terrible morning and had to stay home from church today. I hate that!!! Not only do I hate feeling so awful, but I hate missing church! Alan had to teach both the Sunday School lesson and the Priesthood lesson today. I felt bad that he had to do the Sunday School class alone. He said that it was a good day at church, but he missed me. Of course he did!

I slept most of the day, until our bed made my back hurt so bad I had to get up. By then I was really weak from being so sick. I have no energy at all tonight. I am hoping and praying that I feel better by morning! We have another big week ahead. I think part of my problem is the heat. It has been so blessed hot here lately and there is no breeze to cool things off. That plus all the sun yesterday is not a good combination for me. I have got to be more careful about the amount of time I spend in the sun.