
Thursday, September 12, 2013

On Friday we had a special dinner at the Liahona Gym. We were invited by some of the students that used to be in our Sunday School class to come and see what they were doing for their final grades in a Commercialism and Tourism class. The students, under the direction of their teachers, put on the whole evening. They served us a lovely meal. We started with a meat slider served with a mushroom sauce, then a plate of fruit and breads, next was the main course, a stuffed chicken breast, beef chow main, a crab salad and oofi (a root vegetable like a potato) served with dollar rolls and butter. For desert we had cake and ice cream. It was a Tongan meal, way more than we could eat, but really good food and well prepared. The rest of the night was full of entertainment and they did a fantastic job! Dances from all of the South Pacific islands were performed and the MC’s did a great job of tying it all together. It was a fun night and we really enjoyed watching the students that we have come to love put together such an amazing experience. We gave them all an A+.