
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our Sunday School class was extra special today. We talked about the Plan of Salvation. We had a young couple there today that the Hamala’s brought with them. We are wondering if Vince, the young man, is their son. They didn’t say and we didn’t ask. They are a great young couple with a baby that is 4 days younger than our baby, Grace. I wanted to eat her up!! She has a head of thick black curly hair and she was beautiful. During the lesson as we were talking about the importance of the Atonement, repentance and how much our Heavenly Father loves us with an unconditional love, Alan asked them how much they loved their baby and what they wanted for her in this life. The mother started to cry and told us that they are not married and that she wanted a better life for her daughter than what she was living. She is a member of the church but she has made a lot of mistakes and now she is trying to find her way back. We aren’t sure about Vince, if he is a member or not. We were able to testify about the blessing of repentance and the power of the Atonement. She seemed to sit there and soak it all in. We aren’t to sure about what his feelings were, but when the class was over he said that he would be back next week. Tongan’s are known for saying what they think you want to hear, so we aren’t sure if we will see him again or not, but we are praying that we will. We would love to be able to fellowship them, help them get on the right path and find the happiness that they are searching for. That precious baby girl deserves a mother and a father who love her and who love God. I am so grateful that all of our grandchildren have that security and love in their lives. We take so much for granted. How blessed we are to have the gospel in our lives and know who we are, where we came from, why we are here and where we can go if we are faithful. Thank heaven for the Gospel!