
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

On Thursday, President Haleck of the Area Presidency, came to Tonga. He is here to visit the mission and to reorganize a stake. We met with him for a fireside on Thursday night. He is from Samoa and his wife is originally from Utah. They met at BYU. (Everyone is a graduate of BYU! We need more Aggie senior couples in the mission field!!!) They both spoke and they are so down to earth and genuine. She spoke about what an influence her grandmother had been in her life and how important it is for us as grandparents to stay close to our grandchildren and make sure that they know where we stand and what we believe. President Haleck spoke about the importance of senior missionaries and the blessings that are promised. He told us that “The Lord remembers his faithful servants. He will be aware of your children and your grandchildren. Consider this a Celestial experience. Look for little bits of heaven in your mission every day. If you do your part and serve faithfully in the Lord’s Kingdom, the Lord will remember what you have sacrificed.” We were able to spend some time visiting with both of them after the meeting. It was a wonderful way to end the day.