
Monday, March 31, 2014

Saturday, March 15th,

We didn’t get sick, so we did the washing and went into town to do a little shopping. I walked around the fair and that was a mistake. It is really uneven ground and by the time we got home my hip was aching again. I really wish I knew what to do about it. I am taking a lot of Ibprophen. It is the only thing that helps but I hate to take a lot of it, I know it isn’t good for me.

When we got home I found out that Elder Berger hasn’t been feeling well. The senior missionaries are passing some kind of bug around. I worry about him because he is all alone. I made a bread pudding this afternoon and took some over to him. Within an hour people were stopping by to try some. Like always, it was a huge hit. My grandmother really did make the best bread pudding ever! I will now be sharing her recipe with more people. She should be famous.

Later this afternoon I made meatballs. I am making sweet and sour meatballs for our President’s Dinner tomorrow and I won’t have time to get everything ready after church. I hope 100 meatballs will be enough!

Alan went for a short walk tonight but I didn’t dare go with him. I am protecting my hip.